Friday, November 9, 2012

bless they damn Republican hearts.....

i'm quite pleased (and relieved) by the election returns (tho' i hoped some margins would be greater).  i  have serious reservations about folks who hold the notion that gay-folk, women-folk, and "po'-folks" aren't quite as human as they (rich honkies) and that this is a "conservative" value derivable from biblical principles. Dad really enjoyed rubbing Obama's win in the face of my aunt and uncle who are Tea Party whack-a-doodles.  He insisted that i drive him down to their place at about 23:00 or so after the win was announced and he set off fireworks in their yard.  Dad's 70 yrs. old and kind of feeble so i indulge him when he's having fun.  anyways, the Tea Party relatives probably hid under the bed thinking it was the Kenyan-Socialist-Kill-Whitey army coming for them.   [i can point to them and say "epistemic closure" and really mean it!!]
think of it like a "bubble of unreality" that them poor Republican souls is trapped in.......
i'm a fan of Dr. Rachel Maddow and here she provides some much needed analysis of what the election means for the USA, and for the Republican party......

1 comment:

  1. The fireworks are just hysterical! I have a right wing, NRA member, brother in law who believes what Fox tells him. I didn't think of fireworks though!
