Friday, August 17, 2012

books, books, books, and more books.

ok, one version of MyHeaven is having the time to read all i want to....AND having enough folks nearby who have read or are reading the same things so we can discuss them over tea or adult beverages.  so, i've seen this over at Salmagundi, and da closet professah, and it originates with Sean.  so, i'm joining in on the fun.
1. eBooks or real books?  real ones.  i've B&N's Nook app and's Kindle app installed on my laptop but i haven't had time to do much with them to see if i can get the experience of "diving into" a text with an e-edition like i do with a physical book or journal or magazine in my hand.  i tend to mark texts and make notes so unless one of these apps has a ridiculously simple mechanism for marking text and recording notes i think i'll retain a preference for physical books.
2. Which book are  you currently reading?
  Book cover Springer 2009         
3 (a).  How many books have you read in 2012?
ummm.   oh, shit.  like.......a lot, i guess.   each year i begin with an ambitious plan to write everything down so i can answer questions like this......i read multiple books at a time ( a habit from grad skewl).  i probably read 3 or 4 books when i am working and on my off-rotation days i can read a book (or 2) a day IF it's fiction....i slow down for technical literature because technical books usually cost 10 to 15X what a hardback novel would cost.  also, i read lots of journal articles and then there's the stuff my aggregator sends to my email box.   so, i read constantly. 
3 (b).  How has reading blogs, FB, and/or tweeting affected your book reading?
ummm.   not much.  i have a big, scary gay cuz who teaches english lit and creative writing so he's usually good for a recommendation BUT a lot of my facebook people seem to have suspect tastes in literature so.....i don't value their suggestions quite so much.  Band of Thebes is often ok in finding something to read but.....sometimes, not so much.  i've also been well-rewarded by trying to keep up with the award-winners, i.e., Nobel Prize in Literature, Mann Booker, National Book Critics Award, Pullitzer.    i like to wander and browse so i'll always haunt brick and mortar bookstores and lie-berries.

4. What genre(s) of book do you enjoy reading?  literary fiction, mysteries/police-procedurals (think kathy reichs, tess gerritsen), histories, horror, technical stuff, philosophy, cultural criticism, theology.   i don't read political stuff as much as i used to because it's bad for my blood pressure.  i also enjoy "cozies" like the Isabel Dalhousie mysteries by Alexander McCall Smith.  i've also been well-rewarded by trying to keep up with the award-winners, i.e., Nobel Prize in Literature, Mann Booker, National Book Critics Award, Pullitzer.  of course, i have a special place for Southern Gothic (i've actually hurt people for not loving Eudora Welty enough to suit me).
5. Have you read the Kama Sutra or The Joy of Sex? Helpful?
i've not read all 7 books of Vatsyayana's Kama Sutra........just the second book which is the one with the sexy stuff in it.  i've also read the gay kama sutra (can't remember who wrote it) and i wasn't too very impressed.  i've also read The Joy of Gay Sex (original and "new") and they were helpful in a vague way.

What was the first erotic novel you read that matched your sexual orientation? 
i was 12 (maybe younger) when i discovered a book at the Salvation Army thrift shop:  Pansies in Paradise!!!  it was a pulp gay sex romance written in the late '60's or early '70's  and i found it to be very, very interesting reading.  i got it for $0.10.

ok, study this image i stole from The Closet Professor:

ok, it's cute close attention to the inner part of his upper left thigh (the area where the cremasteric reflex can be tested) and answer me this.....where the hell is his junk?!?!?!   is he sitting on it?  most natural-men would spill junk if their boxer leg-holes were gapped open like that!   [well, mine would...don' really know 'bout alla y'all]  anyway....photoshopped?    [he could use some fuzzification]   [not that i'm complaining!]   [is now perplexed.]

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