Tuesday, November 8, 2011

finished this, yesterday. beautiful language and actually a pretty good bildungsroman but nothing definitely resolved.....more realistic i guess. main complaint is the gay love affair threaded throughout. it feels a little gratuitous just as the fact that the preternaturally self-possessed lover is a mulatto. the point seemed....stretched, almost a desperate whiff of 'exoticism.' all in all, not a bad way to kill a few hours. i think the book is up for an award. the author is kind of cute....not that i used that as a criterion for selecting the book to read.
a hint o' the chest fuzz, intriguing.

and now, for a pretty canadian boy being naughty. (definitely NSFW)

now for something a bit more serious.....2005 YU55 will whiz between the earth and the moon at 6:28 PM EST, today. it'll pass about 85% the  distance between the earth and the moon. i've told the fundamentalist ultra-conservative apocalyptic christian next door that this is the apocalypse. i couldn't help it, he and his family were so disappointed when October 21 came and went without so much as a hiccup.


  1. I do and don't want to read this. I probably will give it more of a chance since you seemed to like it. But I read Matthew Gallaway's review of it at The Millions and didn't like how the gay affair was steeped in feminizing language. As though the "boy" had to be a girl for the man to get it on with him.

    But I'll add it to my list. And, yes, the author IS cute. Which helps. LOL

  2. my complaints stem more from the feeling that it wasn't natural, it seemed contrived. and where on earth did the preternatural self-possession of the 'boy' come from.........the author never touches on his POV.....maybe it is his intention that Owen be more an animate object or some kind of totem? i dunno.
